Monday, March 21, 2011

Testing, 1, 2, 5. Is this sodding thing on?

Yes, yes it is. Welcome to my little slice of purgatory, where people that know me, either on the internet or in real life, or complete strangers that are stalking me can watch what I'm doing. Also coming up (I hope so, anyways.) on this blog are my attempts at trying this "Character Blogging" thinga-ma-bob that I've heard about, so be sure to look at the upcoming "Doctor Bastard" adventures that I'll be posting semi-regularly. And with that, this is raging nerd, and until next time, I'm out of this dump.


  1. Hello to you, hope to see you around and I will certainly be checking back here now and again, lol I have to do my other stuff as a profile :P

    LR/Amazon Squad

  2. Very nice to see you, old friend. I hope I can actually maintain this blog past one post.

  3. Muerto here. Can't wait for your blog entries.

  4. Nice to see you, as well, old bean.
